Thursday, January 23, 2014

Quinlan Gets Braces!

Back in Nov you met an awesome bunch of nominees for free braces.  When one of our nominees, Andy, read about Quinlan, he asked everyone to vote for Quinlan and, well, everyone did.  (I'm thinkin' Andy's a pretty awesome guy, too.)  Quinlan won!  And the day finally arrived.  Quinlan was getting braces!

Quinlan came in and got a little work done.

And in true Matthews style, got a few other things to smile about.

It's looks like Quinlan's having fun in Provo hangin' with Dr. Matthews.  Really, who better to have work on your smile than a cosmetic dentist?

We'll keep you posted on Quinlan's progress.  

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Eat More Chocolate?
So it's January, and if you're like me, you're still in the swing of setting goals and trying to add healthier habits to your lifestyle.  You know, lose that last 5 lbs, exercise 3x a week, get more sleep... the usual.  

I also had my annual check-up with Dr. Matthews.  I have a tooth that's behaving badly, so we talked about some options to keep it healthy until I can afford more aggressive treatment.  (I should probably just talk to Mary about CreditCare ®.)  When Dr. Matthews asked me if  was flossing, of course I sheepishly said, no. You can't lie about flossing.  Trust me.  But it got me thinking about more preventive measures.  Of course, we all know that milk is great for your teethso are fruits and veggies.  And DON'T chew popcorn kernels! (Ugh. Guilty as charged)  But I did a little homework and found a few dental heath surprises. 

Drink to your oral health
This one seems like a gimme, but Americans tend to be soda drinkers. Drink plenty of water. It can help wash off sugars and acid from your teeth. Better still if the water is fluoridated! Fluoride has been proven to strengthen the enamel and prevent cavities. It is especially effective when used early on in childhood.  Chug-a-lug, y'all. 
Whole is better
Research has shown that whole grains are great for your teeth along with being better for preventing diseases like diabetes and heart ailments. A study from McMaster University, Canada found that men who ate at least three servings of whole grains were 23% less likely to suffer from periodontitis than those who ate more wholegrain breads. It also stabilised blood sugar levels in diabetics which reduces periodontitis.  Your heart will thank you, too. 
Open sesame!
Sesame seeds and sesame oil are extremely good for your teeth as them remove dental plaque helping boost oral healthy. In fact, one Ayurvedic practice involves oil pulling – swishing oil around in your mouth which actually whitens your teeth. It also helps remove streptococcus bacteria from both teeth plaque and mouth saliva.  Sesame seeds, which are rich in calcium, have been found to reduce plaque and also help re-mineralise tooth enamel.
Chocolate – friend, not foe
Woohoo!  Here's one I can totally get on board with! Chocolate has long been linked to ruining teeth in children but that’s mostly due to improper cleaning practices after eating the said-chocolate. When taken in moderation, chocolate especially dark chocolate can benefit your teeth thanks to its antioxidants but the major benefit comes from the cocoa extract called theobromine. Theobromine is an alkaloid of the cocoa plant and is found in chocolate along with teas and other foods. It helps harden tooth enamel which prevents teeth from decaying. In fact, in 2-4 years we could actually have cocoa-enhanced toothpaste!  I think all my dreams just came true. 
Go herbal
In many parts of rural India, it’s the norm to use neem twigs to brush one’s teeth instead of toothpaste and brushes. The plant itself has immense antimicrobial and antifungal properties. A study tested whether neem could be used to treat gum disease and they found that it was actually better than regular mouthwash! Other than neem, ginger is known to help maintain healthy teeth and gums and prevent plaque.  The highly valued holy basil (tulsi), a natural antibiotic, is known to protect against bleeding gums and also increase the whiteness of the teeth. (I grow my own basil...Guess I better start grazing!) The antibacterial property of basil can prevent dental plaque build-up and eliminate bad odor too.
Coconut oil
Like sesame oil, coconut oil is also used for oil pulling–swishing it in the mouth like a mouthwash. Used for thousands of years as a traditional remedy, coconut oil is particularly effective in battling oral bacteria. It works similar to digestion as the enzymes break down the fat from the oil into acid, which wipes out the germs from your mouth!  If you're not ready to start swishing, try cooking with it instead of butter.  Or add some coconut milk to your morning smoothie.  Every little bit helps. 
Of course, noshing sesame seeds and basil leaves followed by a nice coconut oil chaser isn't going to keep you out of the chair, but these are some fairly simple ways to keep your teeth healthier in the new year.  And we can all eat a little more chocolate, right?  

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Gettin' Ready for the New Year

In January, my schedule relaxes a little from the hectic pace my family keeps in December.  It also happens to be when we go to the dentist.  Visiting Dr. Matthews in January makes sense for me.  With three kids with some specific health problems, I find that I actually have more money to spend on fixing things up in January when our health reimbursement account reboots at the start of the year.

It's also been a great time for us to think about things like what cosmetic dental work we need (my husband Wendell got a dental implant last year) and mapping out how to do that.  CreditCare® is a great option Mary shared with us last year.  CreditCare allows to finance your dental work with NO interest.  0%.  Seriously.  You just figure out, in advance, how long you'll need to make the payments; set it up; and pay it off on time with no interest.  CreditCare can also be used by the whole family for ongoing treatment without having to reapply.  This can be a life saver if you have a couple of people who need some serious work.  And because it makes sense, CreditCare has no upfront cost, no annual fees and no prepayment penalties.

If, like my family, you need some work done and money is tight, you don't have to put it off.  Get it done this year.  I know my husband and I are both glad we got his implant done in 2013.

And whether it's teeth whitening that you've just always *wanted* to have done, or something bigger that you need to have done, it's wonderful to have an amazing cosmetic dentist right here in Provo who is specially trained and equipped to save the day!  Aren't those pearly whites worth it?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

See My Two Front Teeth...

by, Andrea Harris

From the Colgate Comedy Hour TV Show on the NBC network (1950-1955), we bring you the timelessly funny Spike Jones…

If he really needs his two front teeth, he also need a great cosmetic dentist. Luckily, we know a great one right here in Provo!

Merry Christmas from Dr. Blake Matthews and the entire MatthewsSmiles staff!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

All I Want for Christmas...

by Andrea Harris

We all know the popular children’s Christmas song about needing a couple of front teeth.  It makes us think fondly of our own gap-toothed young and have a good laugh, but did you know that according to a National Center for Disease Control study a few years back, they found Christmas decorating accidents account for 1% of the 1.9 million holiday related injuries that occur from Nov 1st through January 31st each year.  And of those injuries, the CDC found that 56% were from falls that were at considerable heights (roof tops) and 11% were falls from moderate heights. This included falls from chairs, step ladders etc (getting the star just right? Don’t step backwards!). Most of the injuries (62%) happened to young and middle aged adults (the most reckless age group, right?) Some of these accidents involve facial and dental trauma!

Yikes! Who would have guessed so many people were losing teeth in decor related accidents the holidays? I confess, when I was out scampering around on my roof last week, perfecting the lights I didn’t think once about my teeth.  Falling on my head and suffering major brain trauma? Missing a step on the ladder and breaking a leg?  Absolutely.  Knocking out a tooth?  It didn’t even cross my mind.  

Of course there are a few other way you could lose your own two front teeth this winter: A skiing mishap, a fall on the ice, a crash at your local skating rink…. you get the idea.  All I’m saying is be a little careful out there, guys!  You don’t want to be wishing anyone a Merry Chrithmeth when you’re 40!

Photo Credit:

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Take Five

by Andrea Harris

Let’s be honest, the holidays are a little bit stressful.  Whether you’re hosting the family or packing up the car to head to grandma’s house, go ahead and take five minutes for a chuckle courtesy of the illustrious Mr. Bean.  

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

And the Nominees Are...

As you know, our own Provo dentist, Dr. Blake Matthews is giving away a set of braces to one lucky winner!  They will start treatment in 2014 and get a New Smile for the New Year!

We wanted to introduce our amazing nominees, selected by Dr. Matthews and the MatthewsSmiles team. And they are...

1. Quinlan

Story: My son Quinlan was born at 26 weeks and weighed 2 pounds 3 ounces when he was born over 12 years ago. He has survived over 57 surgeries and is doing great. He has cerebral palsy and cannot walk but does really great other than that. He was born on 09/14/01, I actually went into labor on 09/11. He is an amazing boy.

On his birthday this year he asked for one thing and one thing only...... Braces! Who does that??? Well he is very insecure about his smile. He tells me his teeth are "jacked up". It breaks my heart but I wanted to wait until he was a little older and understood how important beautiful teeth and a beautiful smile are. I think he's ready.

Please consider giving this amazing kid the chance at having straight teeth and the confidence he deserves to have, in an amazing smile.

2. Alexa

Alexa is a beautiful girl with a fun personality.  Our family has gone through a job loss and a cross-country move in the last year.  Money has been tight and we are needing to get Alexa into braces. Please help us make her smile.

3. Andy

Andy never got a chance to have braces as a youth.  His father worked construction which provided for the family but never had insurance that would pay for braces to fix his smile.  Now that he is an adult, the cost of braces is prohibitive even though he has always tried to take care of his teeth.  Andy has always wanted to have a nice smile and where he wasn't ashamed when he was happy in front of other people. 

To vote go here:

Let's share our Jimmerosity!  And join Dr. Matthews and the Fredette Family Foundation in picking someone special to get braces in 2014.  Voting runs until 12/9 and the winner will be announced 12/10.  

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